Recent Newsflash Listings

Tapes here!
Tapes have arrived! I have a limited number of hand-numbered copies for sale. You can buy them from Bandcamp, or contact me directly.

Podcast plays
The track “Helium” from The Living Things closed out DJJJS’s show Void Filler on Dublab last week. The show also featured a track from the Henning Pertiet tape on Cosmic Winnetou, from the same batch. Listen here.

Tapes almost sold out!
That was fast—the label already sold out of their copies of the new cassettes! I will have a limited number of copies as well. They’re on their way at the moment. Get in touch via the contact info here if you’re interested. Of course you can still stream and download to your heart’s content at Cosmic Winnetou.

It lives!
The new album is here! The Living Things is now out on Cosmic Winnetou! I'm honored to be a part of the family of releases on Günter Schlienz's great tape label. I also love what he wrote about it, in a weird mix of English and Deutsch: "jesse farber's deep dive into world's strangeness. klaustrophisch dröhnend, minimalistisch rasend. beware! loneliness inside. aber es gibt immer noch die ekstase. hurray!"

In the works
Peel those eyes and keep ’em peeled because there’s a lot more coming here soon: info and links to the RNL releases on Cosmic Winnetou and VONCONFLON; sounds and images from an archive of older RNL tapes; documentation from the archive of visual works and performances; and a shop where you can get tapes and other fun stuff directly (depending on your idea of fun, perhaps).